Dec 4, 2005

Fix Firefox's memory leak

I have recently noticed that Fire Fox was eating up 100,000KB of ram when it only had two tabs open and I have searched over the net and found a fix which is working for me at the moment.

Check here.

read more | digg story

Top 10 Freeware (for XP) November 2005

Programs listed alphabetically. I found a couple new programs I havent seen before.
Best thing is, some of them are OSS projects, and are cross-platforms !

read more | digg story

Nov 19, 2005

Blueserver Keylogger

Yes its true. Malaysia's most popular PVPGN realm installed a keylogger on your computer. No worries, there's a way to disable it while still being able to connect to Blueserver.

To remove the keylogger, just delete taskmgr.exe from C:\WINDOWS. (Notice that its a program with VB's default icon ?)

If you've played warcraft recently you'll have to reboot your pc (It's already started) to delete the keylogger. (Thanks kev, ;p)

I didn't test what it steals and where it connects to, however, tricking a user into installing malicious program is VERY VERY LOW.

It's smart enough to dodge my AVG Scan, Panda Online Scan and Lavasoft's adaware. I guess we'll just have to remove it manually.

Shame on you B3Server admins !

Original link:,4575.0.html

Thank you to the dude who reported it.

Aug 25, 2005

Open source Bluetooth Tools

A subset of my final year thesis, for those whom are interested.

I'm back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally done with my final year, muahahah. I'm looking forward to either a job, or MBA now. Well, still, I have to wait for my results >.< href="">

Next I've open sourced a subset of my final year thesis. For those whom are interested, its here. It's a file sharing tool using Bluetooth.

I've also reinstalled my computer. Updated to a more recent Gentoo, and reinstalled from scratch. My desktop is still a Gentoo/Fluxbox combo. Nothing much changed, except that this time I mastered the portage system better and able to optimize my system more. Now, the box rarely swaps, and I'm reallly considering of freeing those 512MB swap space. I've been doing some reading, many experts says no, so I'm just keeping the swap space around. Instead, I changed the kernel's vm swappiness to 10, means less swapping. Well, we'll see.

Finally, I have time with my server ! It's a freebsd box. I reinstalled it from scratch last nite. Freebsd is the reason I almost switched to BSD from Linux. However, I must say, Gentoo's portage system is much better than FreeBSD's own port system, thou Gentoo borrowed the idea. I'm sticking with FreeBSD for my server simply because the ports system uses way less resources, and that suits my old junk fine. As we speak, I'm installing MYSQL -1.5 on my FreeBSD. Next on the list is pureFTPd and apache.

Bah, updating the ports alone takes forever on my pentium133mhz-32MB system. I might need a week to finish setting up the whole server, @.@

Its a shame that Gentoo's portage system uses python, it needs a minimum of 64MB and lots of horsepower to run.

Aug 4, 2005

Holidays coming ....

Final exam's in two days, I'm all worn out.... I've decided on a couple of things thou.

I've finally decided to split my blogs. Google's blogger is giving problem to myoss site (sorry Colin), therefore I'm back to livejournal again. This will be the place I blog oss/linux stuffs. Google's blogger will be my general blog.

Two, I've decided to update my homepage .. again.... this time I'm serious ! I've emerged Bluefish, :-) Nothing can be done until after my finals thou ....

Three, my final year project coding is finally starting. The boring analysis and design phases are almost over. I'll start a new blog to blog the dev process. Wish me luck.

Almost 11am ... time to sleep. I can't believe college students surviving without sleep ... I'm the perfect example.

Jun 16, 2005

Interesting read about rights in Malaysia

Woot ! Its 2 am. I have presentation tommorow. I haev assignment to hand in tommorow. And the toast of the day, I have Computer Graphics Test tommorow !

Forget it. My mood changed after I read the following .....

"The government decided in 2004 to install closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras in major cities with the purpose of curbing snatch thefts. Local councils have until September 18 to install the cameras at public spaces such as bridges, light rail transportation or bus stations, night markets and dark lanes. CCTV systems will be connected to district police stations where images will be monitored. Some critics assert that CCTV could be used not only against snatch thieves but also to spot and nab courting couples caught on camera displaying affection in public, which is not allowed in Malaysian society."

Man, I dont remember reading this in the news, I just wonder how does the International Privacy Organisation knows about this ? I was doing a research about online privacy and cyberlaw when I came across this. I mean, WTF ? Government spying on us now ? Why am I the last to know, ;p

For hackers, beware, if you think that Malaysia has no cyberlaw ...

"In January 2001, following a high profile hack into the Parliament's web site, it was reported that the government may extend the ISA to hackers of government web sites."

Other intersting things that you could read about includes the criticism of several Malaysia Act's, and stuffs. Basically, it explains alot about the rights that of Malaysians, and the limitations to it. (Note: I really love the part they mention about Malaysia and freedom of speech, ^.^)

You can read other interesting things about Malaysia, Malaysian, the government and privacy here. Definately a must read for all Malaysian. The question is, how come they know so much about Malaysia, while we (me atleast) as Malaysians are so ignorant ?

P/S For ISA wannabe scanning this, I'm only reading the article .......

Jun 9, 2005

Interesting things I read today.

World's biggest hacker held

This one's real interesting, lol. This guy claimed that he hacked into the US military computers to prove that US military is covering up UFO landings on Earth. That's two of the biggest conspiracy on Earth, hacking into one of the most secure computers on the planet, and UFO existence ? Man, what are people getting into, lol. However, the sad thing is that his tricks aren't new, he got a break from weak passwords used by the military personnel, haha. Oh, BTW, he's British, so England got the best hacker now ? ^.^

$80bn Google takes top media spot

A short while back, I made an e-commerce report about the rapid growth of Google, how they grew 4 times since 2003. Oh, that was last week. What surprised me was that, man, now they're at the to spot ? This is truly phenomenon, I mean, IT industry is one of the fastest growing in the world now, but this is crazy. Microsoft took over the world's computers by offering cheap OS (the first few versions anyway ....), Amazon and E-Bay became huge companies overnight selling nothing at all (not really nothing ), and now Google, became huge by offering free search service (forget the ad-sense stuffs, let me be paranoid a lil) ? Is making money from the Internet this easy ? People are coming up with new crazy ways. I'll graduated in 1 month (hopefully), maybe I'm gonna try something on the Internet, lol. (Hold your laughters ppl, my comments stops here, ;p)

polymorphic worms, metamorphic worms, and worms that make use of entry-point obscuration

Omg, I can't even pronounce some of these words, Internet worms are evolving ! This continue to shows how hackers are some how always ahead of security experts. Simple worms are now embedded with email servers, http servers, and the latest one, a backdoor IRC channel ? Hacker's have moved from hobbyist to a profession. OMFG, what has the world come to. Back in the good old days, hacking is usually done to show ur friends what you can do, as a hobby out of curiosity. Hackers today, are selling unknown exploits (0-day exploits) to blackmarkets, sell vulnerable servers to spammers an d phisher, and what else will happen next ? Aren't this illegal ? Talking about illegal, I wonder how the security companies get all this stats, and them monitoring the world's network traffic "ok" while the rest of the world are crying foul to their ISPs monitoring their networks ? So I guess now the question is, what about cyberlaw? Who should police the Internet ? What are the borders and jurisdictions of the laws ?

Java, Bluetooth and JSR082 troubles

I picked my final year project, decided to code it in Java. JSR82, a Java specification for Bluetooth makes everything sound so simple. It is simple, its just that not all the profiles and Bluetooth goodies are implemented. And for implementation, even the mobile phone makers are giving me trouble, only high-spec expensive phones are JSR82 compliant, and that's not even 100% compliant. Most doesn't support OBEX :/

My project is simple, a server to transfer files between a personal computer and a mobile phone. The trouble. Bluetooth stacks, Java Bluetooth stacks, Bluetooth sticks, yadaa yadda. Nothing is simple. Microsoft only fully supports Bluetooth after the release of SP2. And before that, the whole world is using WIDCOMM stacks. The USB stick that I bought, only suppports WIDCOMM stacks. And the worst thing, the Java stack I was using, only supports Ms Bluetooth stacks.

I got fed up, did what most people did, and turned to open source. Now I'm using Avetana as my Bluetooth stack. Its free for Linux atleast. This is because the c library is modified from a GPLed code. And it works with Bluez. Linux isn't so bad, with the help of Eclipse, the best IDE out there, for Java atleast. Java codes are easily made portable, so the server isn't really platform dependent.

Or so I thought. While coding, JSR82 specifications doesn't support file transfer, or even object transfers ! What I did, was I check some samples from Sun's WTK. There is an example for image transfer. If it works on image, it should work on other files. I studied the code. Well, it isn't so bad. If u can't transfer files as objects or files, what do you do ? Send them as byte arrays. Low-level APIs. Great. Now my documentation will look 1337.

I've done the server part now. Its 3am. I need to get some sleep. I'll do the client part tomoro. Yea, the part where you take the bytes and put them back into files >.<

That is not even the end of my troubles yet. I need to test it on a real working environment, and I have yet to borrow a JSR82 compliant phone.

Bahhhh, final year projects don't get worst than this, I hope.

P/S Bleach 35 is translated !!!!!!! Woohooo

Jun 3, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

It's been forever since my last mumbling, but still, dont expect much, haha. It's almost 4am in the morning, and I'm doing grammar checking for Vampire Yan, >.<.

I've been really bz in school lately. Final year project, assignments, more projects, all due end of the month. I have 3 weeks to complete 3 projects and 3 assignments, while working on the final year project ! Sometimes I think the guys who plan the semester are crazy :/

The coding phase of my final year project is nearly complete. I've done most of the server coding, just need a small method to transfer the files to the client. The client, well, I found a template, and hadn't really did anything to it yet, ;p I need some dedicated coding time ! (Dota Mode : OFF, Yumchar mode: OFF). Java and Bluetooth work well together, but the mobile devices and OSs are the problem. They make Java/Bluetooth soooo unportable (means more headache for me). I'm gonna try a few tricks this weekend to solve the problem, hopefully, I can get it done.

My latest baby, the Motorola e680 got a new partner in crime, the e680i. The good news is, I found a site that posted a tutorial and utilities nessecery to do the illegal upgrade, ;p F**k the warranty. I'm gonna flash it after I graduate next month. (Project viva is end of this month also, *sob *sob)

Hmmm, what else have I done since my last post, I upgraded my Linux kernel, sync my gentoo to the latest packages, and found new toys for my PDA, Sony CLIE NX70V, ^.^ Gonna try them our during class break this week, maybe next. I hardly have time to breath now, haha. I still need to get the CLIE CF WIFI card ! I can't find a good deal yet. I found out something thou, CLIE CF WIFI Card = INTEL 2011B LAN CF Card, ^.^ Ganbade Sony.

Also, I found several 3D games and "good" java games for my e680. Now all I need to do is find an illegal copy of piscel viewer for the new Motorola A1000. Piscel viewer can read pics, Ms docs, PDFs and more on e680. This is high priority on my TODO list, as I'm gonna retire my CLIE from PDA to mp3 player + wannabe psp.

Todo list for tomoro. Scout for nice 2nd hand phone, HCI project meeting, proposal for e-commerce assignment, + coding (with Frenzy Mode = ON)

Apr 16, 2005

OMFG !!!!

The unthinkable just happened !!!! A power surge blew my room comp !!! :-(

I hope its only the power supply, and I hope my harddisk is ok. Fuk, just when I was about to start coding my final year project ....

Suks SUks suks ........

Apr 8, 2005

Holidays coming ....

Final exam's in two days, I'm all worn out.... I've decided on a couple of things thou.

I've finally decided to split my blogs. Google's blogger is giving problem to myoss site (sorry Colin), therefore I'm back to livejournal again. This will be the place I blog oss/linux stuffs. Google's blogger will be my general blog.

Two, I've decided to update my homepage .. again.... this time I'm serious ! I've emerged Bluefish, :-) Nothing can be done until after my finals thou ....

Three, my final year project coding is finally starting. The boring analysis and design phases are almost over. I'll start a new blog to blog the dev process. Wish me luck.

Almost 11am ... time to sleep. I can't believe college students surviving without sleep ... I'm the perfect example.

Apr 5, 2005

Gaim 1.2 not broken ...

Correction to my last blog. alsa-lib causes Gaim to break. Gaim is not broken.

Apr 4, 2005

Gentiu breaks again....

For Gentoo users, before you emerge the latest package, hear out my call ! I'm using the ~x86 packages btw ...

1) samba-3.0.13 breaks ! They modified some string in the policy settings, and won't boot up. Hack the policy. You'll see how , if u insist on emerging it .... samba-3.0.12 is rumoured to be safe.

2) The latest alsa-lib breaks mplayer :-( The version is alsa-lib-1.0.9_rc2 if i'm not mistaken. I've tried reemeging also and mplayer, still the same. Now I've downgraded it ..

3) All version of gaim-1.2 breaks. 1.2.0 is safe, that was my version before I upgraded. U can try reemerging the plugins (Note on emerge). Its not working for me. I'm downgrading .......

Happy syncing, :-)

Apr 1, 2005

G Fool ?

1315.385935 megabytes of storage (and counting) for every user.

And I really thought it was a joke until I checked my mail ....

You are currently using 540 MB (41%) of your 1314 MB.

I bet the counter will stop at 2G. Lets just hope it doesn't stop earlier, :p

Mar 27, 2005

This is worth blogging ....

Nice ebay tale .......

(Caution, its about some haunted thing that managed to sell at a high price, and the guy actually "blogged" his experience on ebay. Not for faint hearted, thou I'm not sure if its true ...... Still reading it at the moment .......)

Click here.

Quick tips

Sunday afternoon, I'm tired, I'm bored, I have project due tomorrow ....

Well, just feel like blogging something but don't know what to blog, hehe. So, here are some quick tips I found out while crash proofing my Gentoo.

Tip 1: Stop Firefox from crashing in flash sites

Do this somewhere, either in /etc/env.d/10MozillaFirefox or some rc scripts.
Do this only if you have problems with the Flash plugin.


Tip 2: Pseudo transparency in RXVT (yes it can be done !)

Edit .Xdefaults add this

rxvt*inheritPixmap: true

Tip 3: Let KDE know you're prelinked ! Loads way faster ...

Basically this tells KE that it is prelinked ..
Set KDE_IS_PRELINKED="true" in /etc/env.d/99kde-env.

Tip 4: BitTornado leeching mode (yes this can be done too)

Edit config.gui.ini in .Bittornado

gui_ratesettingsdefault = "seeder"
gui_ratesettingsmode = "full"
min_uploads = 4
max_uploads = 7

What this setting does is minimize uploads while maximizing downloads. I donno if this is a bug, but I generally dont get more than 5k upload with 100k downloads.

P/s SEED good animes !!!! ;p

Tip 5: Playing with fluxbox

Auto-start apps. Edit .fluxbox/startup. Place this anywhere before exec /usr/bin/fluxbox .

bsetbg -f ~/pictures/wallpaper.png # over write style backgrounds
gkrellm2 -w & # loads in slit (dock)
gaim & # auto starts apps

Some useful key bindings .... edit .fluxbox/keys

Mod1 F2 :ExecCommand fbrun #alt-f2 for run command. Good old gnome days...
Mod1 Tab :NextWindow #M$ Wind0ws alt tabbing

Mar 19, 2005

Visual Basic developers revolting

and they have a good reason too !

According to this article VB6 and VB7 (VB.NET) are 2 completely different programming language. Micro$oft announced that support for VB6 will be terminated, this means training for current VB6 developers to be VB7 certified.

Well, I used to be a fan of VB when I started programming earlier (back when I was 10 or so) and I switched after the Ms Access DB problem. If your VB app uses the older version of the database, the newer Ms Access or VB7 won't access it. Its completely useless and your apps can't be updated, and the database can only be accessed using your aging application. Well actually you can, its just too troublesome, ;p

I got pissed off and never touched VB since. (Well, only once where the college has a VB6 module I must complete ...)

Now looks like this is the second time this is happening. VB6 and VB7 apps ARE not compatible which each other, even the codes can't be migrated. This means MS is trying to force all VB6 programmers/clients to upgrade/purchase VB7, and not only that, to retrain their staffs and knowledge ! VB7 is completely OO, more suitable for web dev (From what I heard, I dont wanna touch VB anymore.) and the .NET architecture is gonna lock your end user to MS products ..... (MSN, Hotmail, Messenger, XP, ring a bell ? ). This also means that VB7 will not be the VB that people are familiar with ....

Actually, it looks a 'lil like Java when I tried VB.NEt for the first time. Actually, its how Java should look like, ;p. No offence to Java developers. Just my own opinion.

Another MS world domination plan, and another reason to look over to open source solutions.

Mar 9, 2005

.... about a third of all Internet traffic is currently torrent data."

Wow, I know Bittorrent is big, but this is crazy. According to this article, it takes up about 35% of the Internet traffic, surpassing even HTML !
Anyway, I discovered Bittorent when some of my IRC mates "lure" me into the Japanese Anime world. Normally we download these in series, like, maybe the whole season. And Bittorrent is the perfect choice.

Oh btw, version 4.0 of the original Bittorent client it available, :-)

Feb 23, 2005

Undocumented feature of Motorola E680

It is ... water proof. Yes its true ! A while back, I droped my e680 in a drain, filled with about 1 foot of water. It didn't sink, it somehow floated .... The back cover was lost, its not really as tight as its nokia counter part. Funny thing is , the damn phone was still working !

I thought it was only a matter of time before it dies off. I turned off the power, pulled out the battery, clean it and let it dry for 2 days.

I tried my luck again, and damn, its working. Even the amps and dual speakers are fine, vibrate is ok, evrything is just as it used to be. Some buttons are lose, caused by the shock of dropping it on the floor (it bounced to the drain ..) but that's easily fixed.

I feel so lucky, :D I bought the thing for less than a month and I thought I was gonna lose it forever, 2k gone in 2s. But it somehow worked.....

Dont try it thou, I can't gurantee that yours will survive. Mine did, along the the sd card inside .......

About Uplink Hacker Elite, I still dont have time to write more about it yet, however, linux ppl can try the free open sourced version of it, google for mylink uplink clone.

Feb 8, 2005


Alright, its CNY, so I finally have time for myself, :D

First mission is to get my retired Gentoo partition working again. The last time I tried gentoo/gnome 2.8 with the new XORG server, it crashed, and I dont have time to fix it (I was doing a VB subject, and I dont feel like making VB working on linux, so I booted to Wind0ws most of the time ....).

Now that I have1 week break I hope to get my Gentoo partition working again. Let's see what new goodies does OSS have to offer.

P/s Uplink is a roXXor game, :D I'll make a post on Uplink later. Its a hacker simulation game, and its fUking addictive. For more info, google this : Uplink Elite Hacker


Jan 29, 2005

Look outside the box.

What is the box ? Well, I think it is a mental boundary set by the mind. For whatever reasons, only we ourselves know why.

Do not think too negatively, there's always atleast two perspectives of things. Vice-versa. Don't act as if the world won't fall down and everything will be fine always.

Take a step back, and take a good look at this world.

There are no problems with no solutions, and no situations with no problems.


Enough, enough, back to projects and assignment completion mode.

Note to Windows users: Look outside your Windows. :)

Note to self: Do not limit yourself to what you know, explore what you don't.

Jan 28, 2005

Update on my gadgets.

Bleh, I'm tired today. Guess I'll do this in point form, ;p.

Final year, double module, part time job, outstation.
Sometimes I feel like a robot .....

Trillian 3 rox. I just upgraded, noticed some new changes.
The new interface is nice, very nice . Other than that, mostly graphical improvements. I'm gonna play with it a few days more to see more changes.

Motorola E680 rox.
3D games, stereo speakers with amps ? What else you need from a .... phone ?
Games are hard to find, well, it runs on Linux, plays mpeg4/rm/3gp smoothly, and mp3s/m4as sounds beautiful. I have no regrets getting this baby, :D

Sony Clie NX70V
I finally dug it out from the closet.It's still the best pda to date IMO, just lack a wifi card. Heck, it still costs atleast RM500-RM600. Not worth investing. This guy is still the best PIM / gaming PDA around, :D For me atleast, ;p. It fits my needs for PIM that my phone won't give me.

Hmmm, my Linux box is still not fixed yet ! What version is Gentoo/KDE now ??? OMG !

Jan 27, 2005

What has the world become ?

Mom Allegedly Kills 12-Year-Old Daughter For Having Sex. A woman angry with her 12-year-old daughter for having sex forced the girl to drink bleach and sat on her until the child died, a police detective said.

The girl’s 9-year-old brother was forced to watch the attack, Detective Warren Cotton testified Thursday in a preliminary hearing for Tunisia Archie, 31.

Archie is charged with capital murder in the asphyxiation death of her daughter Jasmine. If convicted, she could be sentenced to death or life in prison without parole.

Cotton said Archie, who has been jailed without bond since shortly after her daughter’s Nov. 26 death, told authorities she was disturbed because “her daughter told her that she was no longer a virgin.”

She said she poured bleach into Jasmine’s mouth and the child vomited, he said, then sat on her until she stopped breathing, Cotton testified.

Archie forced Jasmine’s 9-year-old brother Jacorey to watch the attack and “told him that if he shed a tear that she was going to kill him, too,” Cotton testified.

Police Charge Woman With Giving 4-Year-Old Son Crack Cocaine. A mother has been arrested on charges that she gave crack to her 4-year-old son to “calm him down.”

Michelle R. Shelton, 32, of Kansas City, was arrested Thursday on a child endangerment charge.

Police said the boy did not suffer any obvious injuries from taking the highly addictive drug. He remains in state custody.

Police first began investigating Shelton a year ago when officers said they saw her escorting drug users into the apartment complex where she and her son lived. Police said some residents at the complex told investigators Shelton sometimes gave the boy crack cocaine to “calm him down.”

Social workers were sent to the apartment where they took hair samples from Shelton and her son to test for illegal drugs. The tests came back positive, police said.

According to court records, Shelton told detectives she found empty crack bags and drug paraphernalia throughout her home after parties her son attended. She said it was possible the child found some of the drug.

Woman threw sex parties for teenagers. A 40-year-old woman held sex and drug parties with teenage boys, telling police she wanted to be a “cool mom,” authorities say.

Sylvia Johnson allegedly provided marijuana, methamphetamine and alcohol to eight boys at parties held at her suburban Denver home in 2003 and 2004. According to court papers, she admitted having sex with five of the boys.

One of the boys told his mother, and Johnson was arrested in December and charged with offenses including sexual assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

According to court papers, Johnson told investigators she was not popular in high school and had finally started “feeling like one of the group.”

“She described herself as a ‘cool mom,’” police said.

Authorities did not say how many children she has or whether any of them were at the parties.

A message left at the number listed for Johnson was not immediately returned.