Mar 27, 2005

Quick tips

Sunday afternoon, I'm tired, I'm bored, I have project due tomorrow ....

Well, just feel like blogging something but don't know what to blog, hehe. So, here are some quick tips I found out while crash proofing my Gentoo.

Tip 1: Stop Firefox from crashing in flash sites

Do this somewhere, either in /etc/env.d/10MozillaFirefox or some rc scripts.
Do this only if you have problems with the Flash plugin.


Tip 2: Pseudo transparency in RXVT (yes it can be done !)

Edit .Xdefaults add this

rxvt*inheritPixmap: true

Tip 3: Let KDE know you're prelinked ! Loads way faster ...

Basically this tells KE that it is prelinked ..
Set KDE_IS_PRELINKED="true" in /etc/env.d/99kde-env.

Tip 4: BitTornado leeching mode (yes this can be done too)

Edit config.gui.ini in .Bittornado

gui_ratesettingsdefault = "seeder"
gui_ratesettingsmode = "full"
min_uploads = 4
max_uploads = 7

What this setting does is minimize uploads while maximizing downloads. I donno if this is a bug, but I generally dont get more than 5k upload with 100k downloads.

P/s SEED good animes !!!! ;p

Tip 5: Playing with fluxbox

Auto-start apps. Edit .fluxbox/startup. Place this anywhere before exec /usr/bin/fluxbox .

bsetbg -f ~/pictures/wallpaper.png # over write style backgrounds
gkrellm2 -w & # loads in slit (dock)
gaim & # auto starts apps

Some useful key bindings .... edit .fluxbox/keys

Mod1 F2 :ExecCommand fbrun #alt-f2 for run command. Good old gnome days...
Mod1 Tab :NextWindow #M$ Wind0ws alt tabbing

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