Feb 20, 2007

Post-CNY Report

Officially, CNY isn't over. But according to my company, I have to start work tomoro, so unofficially its over for me...

CNY as predicted, is BORING for me. The first day of new year falls on a weekend, means less public holiday, as an unconfirmed staff with no leave, means less holiday ! Less holidays also means less travelling, less yumcha session, less visiting and gamling sessions .... ~ Arhhhh

It's not good to mention bad luck during this period of time, however badluck continues to haunt me !!!! CNY this year, as usual, too lil angpow money, spend too much money on petrol travelling, lost abit too much chor tai de, no mahjong session yet, most of my frens either back in hometown, of bz gambling, or bz travelling and KL is surprisingly crowded ! Nearly crashed my car a few times, got over divider cause too sleepy during drive, and the only alchohol I touched was beer ! Arhhhh

Man, I guess ppl spend more time eating out and shopping than visiting this year. Lots of weird things happened. Normally, during CNY, I get to imagine overheated afternoons while visiting frens and relatives for my ANGPOWs. Surprisingly this year, thou hot, it RAINED several times. As predicted, less relatives visited (I live with my grandad, so basically, i wait for ppl to visit xD), less angpow. Worst, the angpows getting lighter. Luckily the 'family angpows' value didn't go down.

Well, I spend most of my CNY sleeping. 3 days passed like, well, like its not 3 days. Best thing that happened, managed to drag some friends to watch ghost rider, and Protege.

P/s Did I mention my streamyX and Hotlink barred ? Arhhhhh

OMG, my CNY weekend summed up in 3 paragraghs.
Get a life Renyi !

Feb 15, 2007

Should you go after chicks u met in Club ?


Well, a couple of my frens (yes more than 1 !) are having a hard time after being dumped. Well they're not net ppl, so I doubt/hope they'll not see this xD. Seems like they have the same patern/choice of girls. Club chicks are ez to know (hell, u can get all kinds of signals, they're just waiting for u to approach). However, small advise, don't get too serious too easily.

Let's analyse things a'lil. When guys and girls club, they only have 1 thing (mainly..) in mind, FLIRT aka Have Fun. No matter what first impression u gave, you're just another name on the phone book. 8/10 girls that declare themselves single, are not, while 8/10 guys that says they're single usually are. Do the math.

Just like that way Brother Eri puts it (top-10-mistakes-most-men-make-with-women, Mistake #5), girls got the experience compared to guys when it comes to flirting. Hell, how many girls can a guy flirt with, compare to how many guys flirting a girl ? @.@ A good looking dude and a hot chick walking into a club, check their miss calls when they're done clubbing. The chick will most likely outnumber the dude 3:1 ! Do the math.

Point is, you might have better luck going after the girl, if you met her in a mall or something, compared to the same girl u might first met in a club. I'm not against flirting, just don't get serious to easily, ;p

Just my 2 cents, u can try thou. Might get lucky, ;)

P/S Guys, don't stop your girl from clubbing just because you read this. There might be a 1001 negative things u can say about a girl, but u can't question her fierce loyalty for her man. The pain will goes to the guy she flirts with, but her heart remains with you. Jealousy is a biatch, if u take a step back and look, things will fall back into perspective.



Arhhhhh, getting closer to CNY ! My eyes are seeing red everywhere ! Food, Gamble, Sun, Hot, visiting Family and Friends, eat, sleep, eat and sleep somemore, are part of the CNY package ! Looking forward to it, sick and tired of my current eat-work-OT-NotEnufSleep routine. A change and some rest will do everyone good ! Happy CNY again, and enjoy the holidays !

Feb 10, 2007

Chinese Zodiac 2007 Analysis

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Human = Pigs + work + enjoy
if, Human - enjoy = Pigs + work
in other words,
Human that don't know how to enjoy = pigs that work

Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs

Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs

Men earn money not to let women become pigs!
Women spend not to let men become pigs!

Renyi's Daily Routine

Procedure Workday; begin
If AlarmRing and Time < 8:00 then
else if AlarmRing and Time > 8:00 then
else ContinueSleep();

if Time < 8:30 then
else RushToWork();

While not WorkDone or Time < 18:00 do begin

If not WorkDone and BossHere then

If Time < 19:30 then

If Day = Thurs or LadiesNite = True then
else if Mood = Bad then
else if Mood = Good then

While not AlarmRing do
